Million Chemical Substances in Existence
Certified Industrial Hygienists
CIH to 204,786 workers
mins a new chemical substance is created
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Our Advantages

MyTERA™ streamlines risk assessments:

Silos are removed by combining health hazards, tasks, processes, work conditions and environmental data in a Task Exposure Risk Assessment (TERA) recorded with distributed ledger technology (DLT) increasing authentication and transparency.

Risk assessment selections are standardized and interactive, enhancing accessibility and efficiency maximizing fieldwork effectiveness.

Regulations, standards and occupational exposure limits (OELs) are referenced and compared with real time feedback with control recommendations improving compliance.

Breaking Barriers, Protecting Health


While conducting a TERA, the interactive application is teaching the user. In addition, having all the health hazard information, references and TERAs in one place makes it easy for anyone to find what they need to know to protect themselves from the health hazard.



The MyTERA™ intuitive interface guides any level of user through the risk assessment process and requires minimal training which is important since there is a shortage of industrial hygienists and other resources.


The unique characterization of data and the smart interactive algorithm within MyTERA™ allows all the required information to be pulled together to provide control recommendations which reduces time spent when compared to doing it manually.


Once a health hazard has been characterized and a TERA is complete, the information can be shared with employees or with others to provide the required "Right to Know" information that is required to be in compliance with OSHA and ISO regulations.

Fundamental Issues

Solving a Global Occupational Health Problem

Every year, research by the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that there are about 2.78 million work-related deaths, with 2.4million attributed to workplace illnesses. Hazardous substances like chemicals, pesticides, and radiation contribute to 41% of these fatalities, resulting in 2 workers dying every minute from these exposures.

Explore the underlying factors below

An Increase in Health Hazards

Every 2.5 minutes a new Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number is added to the registry with the number of chemical substances now exceeding 136 million.

Not Enough Protection

There are only about 20,000 industrial hygienists (IHs) to help characterize and protect the 1.4 billion employees globally that work with hazardous substances.

No Unified Occupational Health System

Resources are available for workplace health hazards; however, no one has solved the problem to tie everything together.

2.4 Million Work Deaths Annually Safe Work 160 Million New Illnesses Annually Healthy Workplace 1.4 Million Working In Hazardous Environment Risk Awareness Wellbeing Focus 2.4 Million Work Deaths Annually Safe Work 160 Million New Illnesses Annually Healthy Workplace 1.4 Billion Working In Hazardous Environment Risk Awareness Wellbeing Focus 2.4 Million Work Deaths Annually Safe Work 160 Million New Illnesses Annually Healthy Workplace 1.4 Million Working In Hazardous Environment Risk Awareness Wellbeing Focus

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